Quarteera “Spirit Days”: Matrjoschka-Workshop

Quarteera is a non-profit LSBT+ organisation for Russian-speaking people in Germany. The activists have developed a special programme for the KAHO: “Spirit Days”.

People live in different social worlds, and their self-image changes depending on the context and point in time. An identity workshop with the gender researcher Katja Sumina and the theatre-maker Wanja Kilber invites the participants to grasp and shape their own identity with the help of dolls as something dynamic, flexible and intangible. Unpainted Russian dolls, paint and brushes and other craft material lie on the table and can be used to give expression to one’s personality.

Please inform yourself about our current admission and hygiene rules before the event.

16. October 2021

at 13:00 hrs

Price: Free entrance

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Raum für Kultur Raum für Kultur Raum für Kultur Raum für Kultur
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