Work of Act: Asingeline
The choreographers Fabrice Mazliah and May Zarhy from Frankfurt/Main and Tel Aviv are behind the label Work of Act. For two whole days (Oct 2nd & 3rd), the artists span red tape across the linear distance between two locations in urban space. In Karlshorst it is between the playground at Regener Straße and the S-Bahn station Karlshorst (both in the former Soviet restricted zone). The intervention focuses on the communication needed to cross private and public grounds (flats, parks, streets etc.). There is no audience, only accidental participants who ask: What does this red line mean? Is it a border or a waymark? And what marks still exist in the present and past of Karlshorst? On Sunday, Oct 3rd at 5PM we invite you to a talk with the artists (in German and/or English) at the stage tower of KAHO.
Please inform yourself about our current admission and hygiene rules before the event.
In co-operation with TANZSCOUT Berlin. Guest performance enabled by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Gastspielförderung Tanz, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as well as the ministries of culture and art of the federal states.
In the frame of Lichtenberg OpenART:
Photo: ASINGELINE, Africa (c) Work of Act
3. October 2021
at 17:00 hrs
Price: free entry